is now Live

Design Futurist recently launched a new website. This blog is now hosted at We hope you’ll find the new layout more comprehensive, up-to-date, and easy to navigate. We welcome your feedback and look forward making a difference with you!


19 responses to “ is now Live

  1. Hi Natalia, I read about your workshop on the 29th of July with great interest. I can unfortunately not make it, but I think what you are doing is great. Do you have other events you have on yr calendar. I would love to support you efforts.

    Best, Yolande

    • Thank you so much Yolande! It’s great to hear from you!

      Yes, we will offer the workshop on Sustainable Fashion/Innovation again.

      It’s best to follow the Twitter stream or Facebook group to stay up to date. Or just check back in a few weeks.

      Yours truly,


  2. Pingback: 40 Next: Natalia Allen - BLACK ENTERPRISE

  3. Hello, Natalia,

    I just stumbled upon your blog and am fascinated. I wonder if you’re familiar with biomimicry as an innovation method? Reading a few of our posts, I think it would be interesting and useful to you in your work.

    Keep up the good work


    • Diana, hi

      Yes, I’m most familiar with Biomimicry – in the technical sense of the word – and as a person that enjoys the wonders of nature.

      There are innovative Biomimic products in the apparel textile industry, such as a fabric which has properties similar to a lotus flower. Or my photo-luminescent top inspired by coral reefs.

      Thanks for your note and encouragement – please keep in touch!


  4. Hi Natalia,

    I heard about you through SVN–we’ve been members for 4 years and sorry we have yet to meet you! I’m reaching out because our sustaniable production company, Conscious Planet Media, is producing the 2nd annual VERT COUTURE eco-fashion show as the culmination to Chicago FashionWeek on October 24th. We’d love to consider including your designs in the show. Do you have a SS2011 line? For more details on the fashion show or to watch our sustainable tv series, visit, or



    • Bianca, hi

      Thank you so much for reaching out. I am new to SVN and joined in 2010. I will attend the Fall Conference and hope to meet you there!

      Very best,


  5. Sallome Hralima


    I never thought to send you a reply on your blog to reach out, but I see you are very good about responding to those who are interested in and inspired by your work. I am Co-Chair for the 30 Summit happening in NYC this Labor Day weekend. We attempted to reach out to you via e-mail and phone, to no avail. If you are available in 2 weeks to engage in a conversation with 20+ of the nation’s emerging leaders to discuss legacy and cross-pollinate ideas, please reach out.

    Congratulations on your success! (Oh, I found out about you and your work via Inc Mag)

    Cherish the Day!

    Sallome Hralima

  6. Sallome (beautiful name)

    The summit looks like a blast of genius. I unfortunately won’t be available then. Thank you for reaching out via the blog. I’m glad we were finally able to connect.

    All the best!


  7. Margret Aldrich

    Dear Natalia,

    By way of introduction, my name is Margret Aldrich, and I’m writing on behalf of the Utne Reader, an American magazine that publishes the best of the alternative press. I’m pleased to inform you that you are being named a 2010 Utne Visionary in an upcoming issue. Twenty-five Visionary awards are being given to people and institutions across disciplines who are doing work that challenges the status quo and promises positive, forward progress. We are impressed with your work and vision, and we’re thrilled to include you in this esteemed group.

    I am writing your profile piece and would like to ask you a few questions via phone or email. What is the best way to reach you?

    Thank you, Natalia, and congratulations!

    All best,

  8. Hi Natalia,

    Thank you for all of your heartfelt and eloquent input during the Sustainability Panel at FIT on Friday October 8th, 2010. It was an honor to have been able to serve as a panelist with you. I look forward to connecting again soon, perhaps on the 19th for the Jobs Rally that Save the Garment Center is participating in at 39th and 7th (noon).

  9. Hi Natalia,
    I just came across your talk at the CUSP conference, and WOW! I plan on sharing it with my students At Syracuse University. I teach in the fashion program and this spring I’m developing a new course called “sustainable design for production” which will take my students designs from concept to prototype to limited production. This is an interdisciplinary course with students from fashion, industrial design, interior design, surface pattern and architecture. Would you ever consider speaking at SU?
    Thank you!

    • Beth,

      Great to hear from you – Thanks for taking interest in my design work and vision. I’ll contact you to discuss a potential speaking engagement.

      I’m thrilled that Syracuse is launching a sustainable design course. It will make students more competitive, globally. With a little bit of understanding young designers have the ability to transform the way products are built and bought worldwide.

      It’s a design journey – towards a better way of life,


  10. Just wanted to say that I am truly “Wow’d by you. When I was growing up I did not know all the wonders of God’s creations .. and how they looked like me with minds and visions like yours. Such a pleasure to do a story about you in NV magazine. May your light continue to shine bright and inspire many. Please let me know if I can ever be of service to your vision or if you ever just need the ear or words of a fellow (cool and down to earth) entrepreneur.

    With blessings & vision,
    kyle donovan

    • Kyle

      It is written that “a people without vision perish.” I am a lifetime fan of any entrepreneur with a positive vision for the world we live in.

      You are the light along the journey. It was an honor to contribute to NV.


  11. Sakira Hadley

    Hi Natalia,

    Congratulations on all your accomplishments! Your business is absolutely incredible. I read about you in Black Enterprise Magazine and your company captured my interest. Fashion and global sustainability are two topics that I have a passion for. I recently graduated with a B.S. in environmental science and I plan to obtain a masters degree in engineering science. I would love to come and work for your comany! How could I join your team?


    Sakira Hadley

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